The Role of Technology in Quran Learning & Teaching


Technology is very important in the present day. It is a digital era and technology helps in everything including learning and teaching the Quran. We all have the internet and technology in our access. People can perform different t asks and do different works with the help of technology. E-learning is one of the best uses of the technology. Now education is possible and convenient for everyone. The technology has many benefits in and one of the greatest benefits is to access to Quran education.

The Growing Trend of Online Quran Teaching

Due to the increase in the use the internet education is now available across the geographical boundaries. In the context of Islamic education, the online Quran centers are playing a very important role. Anyone can learn the Quran regardless of their location.  It is now very easy to access the Quran courses. This mode of learning is very effective and meets the diverse needs of students. When a tutor is not available nearby technology helps.

The internet can reduce the distances and connect teachers and students from across the world. Expert and professional teachers are a few clicks away. This is only because of the technology. Now Muslims can easily find a Quran teacher no matter if they live in a non Muslim country. They can preserve Islamic teaching and culture by enrolling in online classes. The procedure is not difficult as it requires only a computer and an internet connection. If you have an android device, you can still attend the classes.  There are different modes of learning the Quran. We will discuss different ways by which you can learn the Quran with technology.

Learning the Quran over the Internet

You can take online lessons of the Quran. You can access different websites and learn from there. Internet is a powerful tool for learning anything. But here we are talking about Quran lessons. The websites contain all the lessons from the basic to the advanced. You just need a computer or a digital device to access Quranic lessons. Some of the lessons that you can learn online are Qaida, Tajweed, tafsir (interpretation), Quran memorization course, Islamic education etc. learning on the internet is very convenient and flexible. You can learn at any time when it is feasible and from anywhere.

Apps/ Applications

These days there are many mobile applications for learning the Quran. Most of the apps are free of cost. You can learn the Quran through these apps. Some apps are not free and you have to pay some amount for them. Downloading the app is very easy process, you can choose different apps according to different lessons that you choose.

Whether you want to learn recitations, translation, or interpretation, there are apps for these lessons. You can use them conveniently on your smartphones. The apps make learning the Quran easy and comfortable to you. Yu don’t need to get online for learning through apps. These applications work offline. You only need the internet for downloading the apps. However, the requirements of applications vary. Some applications require the internet when you need to use them. You can check the specifications of that app. It is more advisable to choose the apps that allow you to study offline.

Video Lessons

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing platforms. It has all type of videos including tutorials and lessons. You can watch the videos about Quranic lessons. Many reciters and scholars have channels on YouTube. You can watch their channels to take lectures.

Live Classes

Technology facilitates Quran learning. There are many different types of software through which you can attend live Quran classes. The apps include Skype, Zoom, Google Classrooms, etc. The learning is very effective and just like face to face classes. Students get online and interact with the teachers. They attend classes just like they sit in classroom. They can give their feedback too. You can attend all types of courses through online classes.

The Challenges you can face

You get many benefits of online Quran teachings. But there are some challenges you may face along with numerous benefits. It is very common in online learning that you face technical issues.  There may be internet connectivity problems due to which you do not access your lessons. These are some of the issues that students may face when they choose online teaching. If you choose online teaching, make sure you choose the right platform.

The right place and the right platform is very important to maintain the integrity of Islamic education. There are many fake platforms that give inauthentic information. Beware of such scams and choose the reliable resources for learning the Quran. While technology has many benefits but if you don’t use right you may face many problems.

Read More : Quran Teacher Online

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